Forest Memories

Kitty, Whitey, and Fennec started walking through the woods.  Robo Anna, Dart, and Laura were doing the same.  Kitty said, "Halt!"  Whitey and Fennec stopped walking.  "I see a cliff up ahead," said Kitty.

Laura had also said, "Halt! There is a cliff," Laura demanded, "and you must stop."

Kitty took a closer look at the cliff.   "That's a far drop," said Kitty.  "You'll probably die and sink if you jump down this cliff."  

"I'm never jumping down a cliff in my life," Dart said, chitchatting with her friends.

"Wait, I see something up ahead," said Robo Anna.

"It's two cats and a Fennec fox," yelled Laura.

"That sounded exactly like Laura," said Fennec.  "It sure did," said Kitty.

"Um, I don't know them," said Whitey.

"Wait, wait for me!" a voice said from the woods.

"Tabitha, how could we forget about you?" said Whitey.

"I think this is the cliff you saved me from," said Tabitha to Whitey.

"Indeed it was." 

Robo Anna, Fennec, and Dart were almost to Kitty and the gang.  Then Dart started jumping way ahead of everybody else.  And then she jumped back to Laura and Anna.

"It's our friends!" said Dart.  "And their 2 new cats," Dart continued.

"Last one there is a rotten egg," cried Anna.

"Be careful!  There's a cliff!" said Dart.

"I don't want you to rust!" yelled Laura to Anna.

"Water! Yikes!" said Anna.  Then Tabitha took a step forward.  "What are you doing in our territory?" Tabitha growled.  Anna was terrified.  "It...'s a tiger!!" yelped Anna.

"White tiger to be exact," said Tabitha.

"Don't be mean to her," said Kitty to Tabitha.  Dart and Laura soon found Anna by the cliff.  Then Kitty's eyes went straight to something familiar, and so did Fennec's.

"You're alive!" cried Dart and Laura.  They were really happy to see Kitty and Fennec again.  

Kitty said, "I made 2 new friends."

"I made a new friend," said Dart.  "I already knew her, technically," said Laura.

"This is Tabitha and Whitey," said Fennec to the others.

"And this is Anna," said Laura.  She is my best friend.

"Robot, to be exact," said Robo Anna.

"This is the best day of my life!" everybody yelled.

"Best day of whose life?" said a voice from the woods.

"Aaaah!" screamed Kitty and Whitey.  Then everybody else screamed.  Before you find out what that noise is," said Kitty, "I want to find out how you and Anna knew each other before any of us knew you."

"Well," said Anna.  "I can explain that.  Me and Laura had met in a scrap field, where I was made," said Anna.  

"And then I found Anna," said Laura.  "And we became BFF's."  

"But then Laura's parents passed away," said Anna.  "She took her parents to the graveyard, and I thought I'd never see her again.  But then I met her a couple weeks ago."

"Now, to find that mysterious noise," said Kitty.  There was a rustling in the bushes and they could only see a shadow of the head.  It had tall ears and tufts on its ears.  And then a small creature stepped out of the bushes.  

"Now will you tell me whose best day of their life it is?"  But then, the animal froze and her eyes pointed straight to Tabitha.

"It is definitely 100% percent a lynx," said Tabitha smartly.

"And Tabitha is the most smartest cat I know," said the lynx.  "And the only cat I know, not counting me," said the lynx.  "Well what am I saying?  I haven't even introduced myself," said the lynx.  "I'm Grace and I'd like to be taking you, Kitty's Group, on a very important mission."  

"Well now you're an honorary member for being so smart," said Kitty.  

"We have to jump down that cliff," said Grace, pointing down.  "And now, you'll have to say goodbye to the forest."  

"Goodbye," everybody said.

"I sure wish the Kitty's Group building was here," said Kitty.  "Just wish it was a subma...rine," Kitty said sadly into a brave bold look.

"Perfect.  Just what we need Grace.  We'll help you on your mission to go under the sea."